Why You Need a Humidifier in Your Home

Humidifiers are an effective tool to help you deal with dry air and avoid falling ill to viruses and bacteria. Our mucous membranes are our body's first defense against viruses and bacteria. Humidifiers add moisture to the air in the room it's in to deal with dry air. 

Get relief from these symptoms

Symptoms such as sinusitis and congestion can be relieved when your mucous membranes are exposed to air with more humidity. Here's a quick list of symptoms humidifiers can help with:

There's a good chance you've experienced at least two of the symptoms listed above in your lifetime. As you know, they're no fun and affect the quality of your life whether you're at home, work, or school.

Faster recovery time

It's difficult for your respiratory system to function at its best when the air is too dry. When you're dealing with allergies, asthma, or a cold, your sinuses can struggle with draining properly. Excess mucus and fluids in your sinuses that is not draining properly can lead to pain and discomfort due to dryness. Humidifiers help add moisture to the air giving your nasal passages the lubrication it needs to deal with the negative symptoms it's dealing with. 

Can you have too much moisture in your home?

It is possible to have too much moisture in your home. If your carpet starts to feel damp and your walls are gathering droplets of water, you have more than enough moisture in your home. Pay attention to the level of humidity in your home because it can lead to the growth mold and mildew which will negatively affect your health. If that's you start experiencing growth mold and mildew in your home, you'll experience a whole new set of problems that you didn't have before.

Take action

Are you dealing with symptoms such as a bloody nose, cracked lips, and sinusitis and you don't have a humidifier? Take action and get a humidifier for your home. It will help you deal with the symptoms that come with dry air.

Integrative Medica specializes in complementary and alternative medicine. Patients that come into Integrative Medica can feel comfortable knowing they are receiving the most effective alternative medicine treatments available. Contact us and we will help you live life how it was meant to be!

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