Treat Female Urinary Incontinence With Surgery-Free Emsella®

As a woman, you’re twice as likely to suffer from urinary incontinence when compared with men. This socially isolating condition becomes a bigger risk as you get older.  

At Integrative Medica, Jake Schmutz, NMD, and his team frequently recommend Emsella®, a surgery-free solution for female urinary incontinence. Emsella addresses a common cause of incontinence: a weakened pelvic floor. 

Understanding incontinence

Female urinary incontinence often results from factors that relax or stretch pelvic floor muscles and weaken nerves that control bladder function. These factors include:

Urinary incontinence is uncontrolled urine leakage that can range from a few drops to voiding all or most of the bladder. It’s unwanted, and you can’t stop it without strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. Different types of incontinence include: 

You can also experience mixed incontinence, which combines more than one type. 

The importance of the pelvic floor

Pelvic floor training is a go-to treatment for urinary incontinence, particularly stress incontinence. Virtually every case of urinary leakage involves some degree of weakened pelvic floor muscles as a contributor.

The  pelvic floor forms a sling made from muscle and connective tissues spanning across the bottom of the pelvis, supporting your uterus, bladder, and lower intestines, much like a hammock.   

You can contract and relax your pelvic floor voluntarily. Your ability to tighten the pelvic floor provides you the ability to hold back urination and release it when you reach the toilet. 

It’s the same action that you perform with Kegel exercises, which are recommended for women experiencing urinary incontinence. However, these aren’t always enough to give you confidence in your ability to avoid bladder leakage. 

Emsella to the rescue

Imagine sitting in a chair for 30 minutes for an automated session that works your pelvic floor muscles more effectively than Kegels. That’s the principle behind Emsella. 

Using  high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to induce thousands of Kegel-like pelvic floor muscle contractions in a single treatment session, Emsella provides an average 64% improvement in urinary incontinence symptoms.  

A typical Emsella treatment plan includes a total of six sessions, with two sessions a week for three weeks. During treatment, you’ll feel pelvic muscle tingling and tightening as the HIFEM pulses induce muscle contractions. When your session is over you can resume normal activities without any downtime. 

Your Emsella experience provides the equivalent of months’ worth of Kegel exercises into your three-week program, strengthening your pelvic floor and restoring urinary control. It’s really  that easy.

Call or click to consult with us at Integrative Medica in Salt Lake City, Utah. You can book online or call our office directly. Urinary incontinence can become a thing of the past, so schedule your visit today.

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