Living with Parkinson’s Disease: 4 Tips to Manage Your Symptoms

Living with Parkinson’s Disease: 4 Tips to Manage Your Symptoms

Any time you feel that you can positively impact your health through fairly simple actions and lifestyle adjustments, it helps you feel more in control. Dr. Jake Schmutz and Dr. Joshua Hersh at Integrative Medica encourage their patients to follow the tips presented here to better manage brain health, including Parkinson’s disease. 

Parkinson’s disease basics

Most people are familiar with the tremors that are the hallmark symptom of Parkinson’s disease. But you may not realize it’s a neurological disorder and that you may have other symptoms such as stiffness. In most cases, the symptoms progress gradually and over time may worsen to the point of disability. 


Along with the physical symptoms you may experience, Parkinson’s may also cause behavioral changes, memory loss, and mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. 

In order to help you lessen the impact of your symptoms on your day-to-day life, you may want to consider incorporating a few new things into your routine. Even if your treatment includes pharmaceuticals or medical procedures, following these tips as well may offer benefits. 

4 tips to help control Parkinson’s symptoms

We always recommend talking to your doctor for advice that’s tailored to your particular situation. However, the following tips are generally helpful in easing the symptoms usually associated with Parkinson’s disease. 

1. Consider massage therapy

You may think that a massage is mainly to help you relax. In fact, massage therapy offers numerous additional benefits. For example, massage improves blood flow as it eases muscle tension. Some Parkinson’s patients report a reduction in tremors after a 60-minute massage. 

Stress can make Parkinson’s disease symptoms worse, and another benefit of massage therapy is stress reduction. 

2. Yoga

Yoga, like massage, offers many benefits. It can help improve your balance, increase your flexibility, and increase the mobility of your joints. At the same time, a regular yoga practice can help you build strength. 

Yoga allows for many modifications, so if you’re limited due to Parkinson’s disease symptoms, your instructor should be able to help. Some instructors or facilities even offer specialized classes for people who have movement disorders or similar health conditions. 

3. Improve your nutrition

Nutrition affects everything, including your Parkinson’s symptoms. We offer diet and lifestyle counseling designed to meet your specific needs. 

Drinking six to eight glasses of water each day and making sure to include fiber-rich foods like vegetables and whole grains can lower your risk of constipation and other digestive issues. Nutritional supplements may also be beneficial depending on your specific situation.

4. Simplify your routine 

Stress, anxiety, and fatigue are all things that can make your Parkinson’s symptoms worse. When your schedule is overloaded, it’s easy to feel all three. Try to find ways to make your life simpler. 

Another important thing to do is to be open to accepting help with activities that are frustrating or impossible with moderate-to-severe tremors or stiffness. Focus on doing what you can independently, but take help when you need it.

Finally, be sure to communicate with your doctor. Our experts offer guidance based on your symptoms and overall help, and providing appropriate advice depends, in part, on your openness in discussing your condition. 

Call Integrative Medica and schedule an appointment to discuss your situation and get more tips on living with Parkinson’s disease. 

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