5 Things You Should Know About Vitamins and Supplements

5 Things You Should Know About Vitamins and Supplements

You’ve probably had the experience: You mention a problem you’re having to a friend, family member, or neighbor, and they respond with, “Oh you should start taking vitamin D (or B or iron or any other of about a million available vitamins or supplements)! My brother’s friend had the same problem and it cured him!”

It’s true that vitamins and supplements can be used to improve your health, but blindly taking them can pose some problems. At Integrative MedicaDr. Jake Schmutz and Dr. Joshua Hersh can help you understand which vitamins and supplements are likely to work best for you and why, as well as what the most effective method of delivery might be. 

Here are five things we think you should know about vitamins and supplements. 

1. More than just pills

You might imagine a huge pill when you think about vitamins, or perhaps you think of those chalky, chewable children’s vitamins? The fact is vitamins and supplements come in many different forms, such as pills, chewable tables, gel capsules, or even liquids. Vitamin D, for example, may be offered in liquid form but vitamin C can be easily purchased as pills, chewable tablets, or dissolvable powders. 

Supplements, too, come in different delivery methods, but also include a variety of types. For example, vitamins are supplements, and so are minerals, herbs, and enzymes. 

We offer IV therapy, which is a way of delivering supplements directly into your bloodstream. IV therapy is a good way for some people to receive supplements to reach optimal health and function conveniently. 

2. Some vitamins are low quality

Not all vitamins are created equally. In fact, some vitamins contain ingredients that are potentially harmful to your health, like artificial colors, preservatives, or unnecessary fillers. Reading the labels can help, but we recommend asking an expert for advice. 

Our physicians can help you understand which supplements are right for you, and guide you toward high-quality brands. We may also suggest IV therapy if it seems like a good fit for your situation and health goals. 

3. You’re special

All humans require certain nutrients to live, but we are each unique in our specific needs. It’s likely that you could benefit from supplements, but both what you take and how much of it you need is different from what your partner, sister, or neighbor should take. 

Your age, gender, hormonal state, and your diet all play a huge role in what supplements you may need. So, that advice we mentioned at the beginning of this post may be even less useful than you thought!

Our physicians take your medical history, goals, and bloodwork into consideration before making recommendations regarding supplements. 

4. You still need to eat well

A nutritionally sound diet is one of the most important aspects of good health, and no amount of supplements can change that. We can offer lifestyle and nutrition guidance to help you understand what a good diet looks like for you. We may still suggest supplements, but the foundation of your good health is largely your diet. 

5. Things change

As you age, your nutritional needs change, and the supplements that are most likely to benefit you likely will, as well. One example is that after menopause, many women require additional calcium and vitamin D to office increased risk of osteoporosis. 

Get started today! 

If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of vitamins and supplements, schedule an appointment at Integrative Medica in Salt Lake City, Utah. We’re happy to discuss your situation in the context of your life and health goals. 

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